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Atlanta Laser Services, Inc.
Laser Vein Removal
Email: Atl.Laser@gmail.com



 While there are serveral options for unsightly redness and broken blood vessels, the experienced providers of Transformations use short pulsed lasers for superficial lesions and Long Pulsed lasers for deeper reticular vessels, such as found on the leg. The more commonly required is the Vbeam as the vascular workhorse of the practice, so here is a little more info for an overview of superficial vascular applications  ...


Vbeam - The Vascular Beam Pulsed Dye Laser

Broken Capillaries
Spider Veins
Red Acne Scars
Port Wine Stains
Poikiloderma and Other Conditions
Post-Treatment Care
What’s keeping you from looking your best? Spider veins? Stretch marks? Scars? Red birthmarks? All these conditions are treatable with the state-of-the-art Vbeam laser. Vbeam, one of the family of pulsed dye lasers, is fast and virtually painless. It can eliminate spider veins, telengectasias, red birthmarks, red acne scars, even serious port wine stains. And it’s so gentle, it’s safe even for a baby or child.


VBeam Protective Cooling and Target Treating

The yellow beam selectively targets the broken vessels

Pulsed Dye Lasers have a well-documented history of safely and effectively treating vascular lesions for over 15 years. They are designed to deliver an intense but gentle burst of laser light to the skin. This laser light is specifically absorbed by the blood vessels of the vascular lesion
(a broken vessel or capillary).

These vessels are gently heated and coagulated. The body absorbs the treated blood vessels during the natural healing process. The laser has a unique ability to selectively target the blood vessels of a vascular lesion without adversely affecting the surrounding tissue. It is so safe and effective that it has been used successfully for the treatment of infants as young as a few weeks old.
Vbeam protects the skin is during laser treatment by a dynamic cooling device which sprays a cool liquid onto the skin before each laser pulse, cooling the upper layers of the skin and providing patients with an increased comfort.

Vascular Conditions Treated by Vbeam
Broken Capillaries

Telengectasias or facial and nasal spider veins are typically a result of sun exposure. These tiny broken veins in the face cause a persistent flushed looked and have the visual effect of "aging" the face. They are worsened by heat, alcohol, tobacco and sun. Skin that is prone to these broken vessels should be treated gently and cared for with mild products. Sunscreens and hats will afford a level of protection that will help maintain your cleared skin during and after treatment.

Leg Spider Veins

Age, pregnancy, and heredity play a large part in the development of varicose and spider veins. Varicose veins are better treated by sclerotherapy while small red and purple spider veins are easily and comfortably treated by vascular lasers like Vbeam.
The American Academy of Dermatology believes that the new laser technology for treating spider veins is more effective with fewer side effects than sclerotherapy or electrodessication for the same size vessels . Laser surgery is more comfortable for patients because there are no needles or incisions. When the laser hits the skin, the patient only feels a small pinch, and the skin is soothed by cooling both before and after the laser is applied


Red Acne Scars


The "red" left behind in acne scars is a result of tiny broken capillaries at the site of the healed acne lesion. This redness is more common to "newer" acne scars and is hard to conceal, making the evidence of acne more pronounced, even after it has healed. Lasers which target these broken capillaries cause the small vessels to coagulate and be reabsorbed by the body. This effectively removes the redness.
V-Beam (Pulsed Dye Laser) is commonly used for the treatment of red acne scars, stretch marks and keloids, which are thickened scar tissue. The V-Beam laser usually requires three to five treatments. Because the VBeam uses a cooling and deep heating process to target is the broken vessel, the treatment is well-tolerated and protects the outer surface of the skin.
Procedures are nearly painless...the laser pulse feels somewhat similar to the light "snap" of a rubber band. Vbeam removes the redness and the body to build up collagen, filling in the depressions left by acne scars and smoothing the skin.



Rosacea (pronounced "roh-ZAY-sha") is a chronic and potentially life-disruptive disorder primarily of the facial skin, often characterized by flare-ups and remissions. Many have observed that it typically begins any time after age 30 as a redness on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead that may come and go. In some cases, rosacea may also occur on the neck, chest, scalp or ears. Over time, the redness becomes ruddier and more persistent, and visible blood vessels may appear. Left untreated, bumps and pimples often develop, and in severe cases the nose may grow swollen and bumpy from excess tissue.

While there is no cure for rosacea and the cause is unknown, medical therapy is available to control or reverse its signs and symptoms.

Vascular lasers such as Vbeam have proved to substantially reduce and often eliminate the redness and flushing of rosacea that is so problematic.


Port Wine Stains

Port wine stains are present at birth
. Pulsed-dye lasers offer safe and effective treatment for port-wine stains. Treatment success depends on the age at which it is begun and the location of the lesion. With multiple treatments, most port-wine stains can be significantly lightened.
Because Port Wine Stains can be progressive, treatment should be done early to prevent cobbling of the skin and thickening and darkening of the stain.

Other Conditions
Treated by the Vbeam Laser
  • Warts - small benign growths in the skin that usually appear on hands and feet.
  • Scars - Raised or puffy scars that are often caused by surgery, trauma, acne or burns.
  • Stretch Marks - Frequently appearing after pregnancy over the stomach, thighs, buttocks, breasts, shoulders and lower back.
  • Poikiloderma - Redness and discoloration on the neck

What precautions should be taken before and after treatment?
Avoid exposure to the sun and tanning of the areas that are to be treated throughout the course of treatment. Treatment is not recommended for individuals who have taken Accutane or Gold Therapy within the past 6 months. Immediately following the treatment, the area may be slightly swollen, sensitive and may feel warm.

Post-treatment care
·Avoid sun exposure or tanning
·Apply ice for discomfort
·Apply moisturizer or topical antibiotic cream if needed
·Avoid scrubbing or rinsing the area with abrasive skin cleansers the first few days following treatment


Possible side effects
Patients may experience some temporary discoloration or reddening of the skin around the treatment site. Pigmentary changes in skin color may be experienced by some patients. The skin will typically return to normal pigmentation over time.





 Laser Practioner Credentials: Kathy Canada, CORT, CMLSO, CLO/A